Hinterland (n): Beyond what is known or seen.

Strategy, design, & systems change.

Hinterland (n): beyond what is known or seen.

Reach out

We’re already looking forward to meeting you and your colleagues.

We’re here to help. Wether you have a request or a question.

Clean Energy Council (CEC)

We were looking for someone to drive a fresh approach to strategy development that would challenge our thinking, create positive energy and deliver a roadmap for our future.

Hinterland delivered with lots of creative thinking, fresh and energetic style and plenty of stimulating leadership.

I would recommend Hinterland to anyone who is looking for something different, to be stimulated and challenged in pursuit of a bigger strategy and purpose.

Kane Thornton, CEO, Clean Energy Council

Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)

To create big change in the world, we need to think outside the box. Hinterland really helped us think differently.

I would recommend Hinterland to any organisation facing big, complex challenges and who need to shake things up!


States of Change

Hinterland worked with States of Change to design and deliver an immersive 6 month learning experience for two large cohorts of public servants from across Australia and New Zealand.

Hinterland brought not only considerable subject matter expertise on design and innovation; they also brought incredible warmth, patience and generosity to the learning experience. It was a genuine pleasure for facilitators and learners alike.


We work with organisations and communities to discover new possibilities, experiment with new approaches, and navigate times of change and uncertainty.

We believe in contributing to a society built on wisdom, justice, and belonging.

Read more about us


Clients include...

We've worked with a bevy of great clients.


Our projects have recognised and covered by...

And our work has received global recognition.

We take an interdisciplinary approach grounded in human-centred design and systems thinking.

What we offer

Strategy + facilitation

We specialise in crafting purpose-driven strategy for businesses, non-profits, and government departments.

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Org + culture design

We work with organisations to design more creative, trusting, and effective cultures.

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Customer research

We'll help you better understand your customers and find new opportunities and ideas.

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Product management

We'll help you design new products and services through customer-led innovation.

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Policy design

We guide government agencies in innovative approaches to crafting policy in collaboration with communities.

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Systems change collaborations

We bring diverse organisations together to tackle common challenges by equipping them with shared language and design tools.

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Capability building

Build innovation muscle. We have run human-centred design and systems thinking training for thousands of professionals across Australia.

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Recent insights and new stories


The latest news and insights related to design, tech and strategy

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Our values

Hope is a verb with its sleeves rolled up.


We believe in taking a stance, getting involved, and building alternatives.

Our values

Our liberation is bound up together.


"If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” - Aboriginal activists, 1970s.

Our values

Start with a mindful pause.


We believe in moving from a place of strength, possibility, and kindness, not from fear or 'not-enough-ness'.

Our values

Always learning.


We continually seek outside inspiration, always reflect on how we can improve, and believe in cross-pollinating insights from our partners.

Our values

Longer tables, not higher walls.


In a culture that valorises a ruthless individuality, kindness and generosity can be radical acts.

We like people, especially you.

Let's talk.